PHERECLOS: “Lay of the Land” conference, PHERECLOS project closing conference
PHERECLOS final “Lay of the Land” conference provides a forum to explore, discuss and share the concept of Open Schooling. The conference is addressing teachers and school heads, researchers with an interest in science engagement, organizers of non-formal education programs such as Children’s Universities, and generally people who would like to contribute to an Open Schooling culture.
Open Schooling is a way of operating a school reflecting on external ideas, topics and challenges and incorporating them in teaching approaches and everyday school life. In return, the creativity and potential of pupils and teachers are identified and will become available to the community around them.
The free conference opens the discourse about “Why Open Schooling?”, the relationship between the concepts of Science Capital and Open Schooling, and the experience from theory and practice from the pilot programs and case studies within the PHERECLOS project.
The “Lay of the Land” conference will present inspiring speakers, tools and hands-on workshops, thematic discussions, and networking. The program aims to allow the participants to rethink their educational approaches, whether coming from the formal (e.g., teachers) or non-formal (e.g., Children’s Universities organizers). Participants are invited to share their ideas and to explore new input for their future Open Schooling educational pathway.
The conference will be hosted at the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, situated in the north part of the town, 8 km north-west of Bucharest city centre and 15 km from Bucharest International Airport.
“Lay of the Land” is created for teachers, students, universities, governmental and non-governmental organizations, companies, and other knowledge providers. The project started in October 2019 and will end after the conference in September 2022.
open schooling, education, mentoring, partnerships