UrbanData2Decide launch and first steps
As the first deliverable detailing the kick-off meeting of the project has been submitted, UrbanData2Decide has completed the first milestone necessary to further the necessary groundwork to convey scalable results in the field of decision making for today’s urban challenges.
The first UrbanData2Decide report
As the first step in starting up a project is the kick-off meeting, SYNYO has compiled all the relevant activities in the Kick-off Meeting Report. This lays down the foundation of a fruitful collaboration within the consortium and one step further towards a common understanding of the project. Members of all consortium partner organisations were present and were able to add valuable input to the overall mandate, structure, and expectations of UrbanData2Decide. Questions and uncertainties could have been addressed and decisions, findings, and next steps were documented. Initial decisions concerning pertinent project planning and administrative issues were made and a roadmap for the early project phase was laid out in the form of deliverable outlines.
Team meeting in Vienna, Austria
For this period the main focus has been the kick-off meeting held in Vienna on 29-30 September 2014. All partners were present complemented by the presence of city partners’ representatives (Copenhagen, Manchester and Vienna) and as well the project officer of JPI Urban Europe Johannes Bockstefl.
With two full days agenda the participants went from introducing themselves to more in-depth issues related to each city partner. Each work package has been presented while focusing on the interdependencies between the work and as well underlining timing as key factor for successful project delivery. As it is the usual case also administrative issues have been mentioned in order to ensure the Consortium Agreement and Grant Agreement are properly dealt with.
Upcoming stage of the project
SYNYO will continue to supervise the overall management and coordination of the project while working together with the project team on WP2 Basic Exploration, Stakeholder Studies and Requirement Analysis and prepare for WP3 where they are leading Task 3.3 on designing module-oriented mockups and user interfaces.
MU, as work package 2, Task 2.3 Investigation of relevant stakeholders including main roles, workflows, experiences and requirements and Task 2.5 Elaboration of an integrated research model and a stakeholder requirements catalogue with use cases leader, will steer the team in delivering the relevant results needed for consequent work packages.
OXFORD, ITU and MU are each responsible to steer various tasks with WP2 on social and open data visualisation methods and data sources, urban decision-making and expert integration complemented by stakeholder roles and requirements.