Journal Articles | Proceedings | Book Chapters
Achilleos, A., Mettouris, C., Yeratziotis, A., Papadopoulos, G. A., Pllana, S., Huber, F., Jäger, B., Leitner, P., Ocsovszky, Z. and Dinnyes, A. (2018). SciChallenge: A Social Media Aware Platform for Contest-Based STEM Education and Motivation of Young Students. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. DOI: 10.1109/TLT.2018.2810879
Anson, S., Bertel, D., & Edwards, J. (2021). Inclusive Communication to Influence Behaviour Change During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Examining Intersecting Vulnerabilities. In COVID-19: Systemic Risk and Resilience (pp. 213-234). Springer, Cham.
Barterberger, M. and Leitner, P. (2013). Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding: Approaches to Foster Social Innovation. Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference Collaborative Technologies 2013, Prague, Czech Republic, 24.-26.7.2013, IADIS Press, 81-85.
Bertel, D. and Himmelsbach, J. (2019). Questioning the User-Researcher Dualism: Premises of the Situatedness of Knowledge in HCI. In: N.M. Su, V. Kaptelinin, J. Bardzell, S. Bardzell, J. Brubaker, A. Light et al. (Eds.), CHI´19 Workshop: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Exploring the Intersection of Philosophy and HCI. Glasgow, 1-5.
Bertel, D., Teles, S., Strohmeier, F., Vieira-Marques, P., Schmitter, P., Ruscher, S., Paúl, C. and Kofler, A. (2019). The best of both Worlds: Combining Digital and Human AAL Advisory Services for Older Adults. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer.
Bertel, D., Teles, S., Strohmeier, F., Vieira-Marques, P., Schmitter, P.; Ruscher, S., Paúl, C. and Kofler, A. Ch. (2018). High Tech, High Touch: Integrating Digital and Human AAL. Advisory Services for Older Adults. ICT4AWE. 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health, 241-249. DOI: 10.5220/0006799002410249.
Bessler, S., Kuehn, E. and Paulin, T. (2012). ”Disruption Tolerance in Vehicle to Infrastructure Communication”. 19th ITS World Congress, 2012.
Bianchi S., Mancuso M., Paternoster C., Kalpakis G., Tsikrika T., Vrochidis S., Kozhuharova D. and Jäger B. (2023). Artificial Intelligence to Counter Cyber-Terrorism. Proceedings of the International Conference on Cybersecurity and Cybercrime (IC3), Vol. X/2023. DOI: 10.19107/CYBERCON.2023
Carboni, A., Russo, D., Moroni, D., Barsocchi, P., Nikolov, A.; Dantas, C., Guardado, D., Leandro, A.F. Staalduinen, W., Karanastasis, E., Andronikou, V., Ganzarain, J., (2021). Success and Hindrance Factors of AHA-Oriented Open Service Platforms, published in: ICCCI 2021 – 13th International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence, pp. 656–668, Rhodes, Greece, September 29 – October 1, 2021, 202, SpringerLink, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-88113-9_53
De Sousa, R. T., Teles, S., Bertel, D., Schmitter, P., and Abrantes, D. (2019). Back to the Roots: The Perspectives of Multiple Stakeholders about a Seamless Physical-Virtual AAL Advisory Service. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health ICT4AWE, 146-155. DOI: 10.5220/0007762201460155
Dunea, D., Iordache, S., Bohler, T., Huber, F., and Leitner, P. (2017). Evaluating the Air Pollution Impact Using Environmental Monitoring, Dispersion Modeling and Volunteered Geographic Information Systems. REVISTA DE CHIMIE, 68(4), 835-840.
Edwards, J., and Bertel, D. (2022). Ethics in Data Collection on Migration and ICT: A Guideline for Researchers and Practitioners. In Information and Communications Technology in Support of Migration (pp. 311-331). Springer, Cham.
Edwards, J., Bertel, D., Seiger, F., & Resch, J. (2021). Ethische Überlegungen zur Forschung mit vulnerablen Gruppen. Ein Leitfaden für Forscher*innen und Praktiker*innen. Medien & Zeit, 36(3), 38-53.
Feigelfeld, H., Huber, F., and Wieser, R. (2015). Effects Of Urban Regeneration-Social/Structural-Spatial And Property Market. MPRA Paper No. 67629,
Fuxjäger, P., Rührup, S., Paulin, T. and Rainer, B. (2016). “Towards Privacy-Preserving Wi-Fi Monitoring for Road Traffic Analysis”. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 8(3), 63-74.
Garschall, M., Neureiter, K., Haslwanter, J. H., Bertel, D., Krainer, D. and Moser, C. (2016). Investigating user-centered design practices in Austrian AAL projects. In: Felix Piazolo, Stephan Schlögl (Eds.), Innovative Lösungen für eine alternde Gesellschaft Konferenzbeiträge der SMARTER LIVES 16 29.11.2016, Innsbruck. Lengerich.
Giffinger, R., Bogadi, A., Sanchez, S., Perra, L. (2020). Open Participatory Design and Digital Tools for Inclusive & Resilient Development. PDC 2020 – “Participation(s) Otherwise”, Manizales, Colombia, 15-19 June 2020.
Himmelsbach, J., Bertel, D., and Tscheligi, M. (2020). Questioning the User Researcher Dichotomy: Situatedness of Knowledge and Power Structures in Research on Technology. Medien & Zeit, 35(2), 41- 48
Huber, F. (2011). Sensitive Urban Renewal or Gentrification? The Case of the Karmeliterviertel in Vienna. In: Manella, G., Perrone, C. and Tripodi, L. (Eds.), Everyday Life in the Segmented City. Research in Urban Sociology. Vol. 11. Bingley, 223-239.
Huber, F. (2012). Integrating Gentrification into the Intrinsic Logic Discourse. Suggestions for Linking the Research Agendas. Urban Research and Practice, 5(2), 209-222
Huber, F. (2018). Conceptualizing the digital TAKEDOWN platforms for supporting first-line-practitioners and law enforcement agencies. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (Hamburg, Germany, August 27-30, 2018). New York: ACM DL.
Huber, F., Jäger, B., Pllana, S., Hrdlicka, Z., Mettouris, C., Papadopoulos, G. A., Matevc, T., Ocsovszky, Z., Hajdu, E., Gary, C. and Smith, P. (2017). Pushing STEM-education through a social-media-based contest format-experiences and lessons-learned from the H2020-project SciChallenge. INTED2017 Conference Proceedings. Valencia: IATED.
Huber, F., Jäger, B., Erev, Il, Cohen, D., Bianchi, S. and Bonfanti, M. E. (2019). Understanding the Organized Crime and Terrorism Nexus through a dynamic Modeling Approach. In: Ruggiero, V. (Ed.), Organized Crime and Terrorist Networks. London: Routledge.
Jäger, B. and Leitner, P. (2013). Design Considerations for the Development of Intuitive Social Media Analytics Tools. Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference Interface and Human Computer Interaction 2013, Prague, Czech Republic, 22.-26.7.2013, IADIS Press, 311-316.
Jäger, B. and Leitner, P. (2015). Innovative Approaches and Solutions to Understand, Identify and Tackle Social Media Crime. Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 7(3), 1-10.
Jäger, B., Bartenberger, M. and Leitner, P. (2013). Open Data: Challenges and Future Directions. Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2013, Fort Worth, Texas, USA, 22.-25.10.2013. IADIS Press, 363-367.
Juiz C.; Bermejo B.; Nikolov A.; Rus S.; Carboni A.; Russo D.; Moroni D.; Karanastasis We.; Andronikou V.; Samuelsson C.; Lievens F.; Van Berlo A.; Van Staalduinen W.; Cabrera-Umpierrez M. F. (2022), Measuring the uptaking of digital health platforms on AAL/AHA domain Published in: ICICT 2022 – 7th International Congress on Information and Communication Technology, London, UK, 23-24/2/2022, Issue 4, 2022, Springer, London, GBR
Leitner, P. (2008). Customer Generated Content: Embedding Interactive Collaboration Tools into E-Shops. Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on E-Commerce 2008, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 25-27, 2008, IADIS Press, Lisbon, 271-274.
Leitner, P. (2009). Scalable Social Software Services: Towards a Shopping Community Model Based on Analyses of Established Web Service Components and Functions. Proceedings of the 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences HICSS 2009, Waikoloa, Big Island, Hawaii, USA; January 5-8, 2009, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, 1-10.
Leitner, P. (2010). The Power of Community: Survival Strategies for Companies in the Social Web. Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Web Based Communitieis 2010, Freiburg, Germany, July 29-31 2010, IADIS Press, Lisbon, 45-49.
Mahoney, J., Le Louvier, K., Lawson, S., Bertel, D., & Ambrosetti, E. (2022). Ethical considerations in social media analytics in the context of migration: lessons learned from a Horizon 2020 project. Research Ethics, 17470161221087542.
Parzer, M., and Huber, F. J. (2015). Migrant businesses and the symbolic transformation of urban neighborhoods: Towards a research agenda. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 39(6), 1270-1278.
Paulin, T. and Bessler, S. (2012). ”Controlled Probing – A System for Targeted Floating Car Data Collection”. 16th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems – ITSC, 2013.
Paulin, T. and Bessler, S. (2010). ”Cooperative Collection of Event-related Floating Car Data”. 13th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems – ITSC, 2010.
Paulin, T. and Bessler, S. (2011). ”A Disruption Tolerant Connectivity Service for ITS Applications Using IEEE 802.11p”. 11th European Wireless Conference Sustainable Wireless Technologies, 2011.
Paulin, T. and Ruehrup, S. (2015). ”On the Impact of Fading and Interference on Contention-based Geographic Routing in VANETs”. 82nd IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference – VTC-Fall, 2015.
Paulin, T., Ruehrup, S., Fuxjaeger, P. and Paier, A. (2015). ”Improving V2I Edge Communication by Performance Maps”. 8th IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference – WMNC, 2015.
Piccolo, L. S., Bertel, D., Farrell, T., and Troullinou, P. (2021, May). Opinions, Intentions, Freedom of Expression,…, and Other Human Aspects of Misinformation Online. In Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-5).
Pllana, S., Huber, F., Hrdlicka, Z., Mettouris, C., Veber, A., Ocsovszky, Z., Garc, C., Boulomyti, E. and Smith, P. (2016). SciChallenge: Using Student-Generated Content and Contests to Enhance the Interest for Science Education and Careers. New Perspectives in Science Education: 5th edition, Florence, Italy. Limena, 237-243.
Ruscher, S.H., Jäger, B.K., Huber, F.J. and Bertel, D. (2017). Age-related Safety and Security – Developing a Novel Threat and Risk Model for Older Adults. Smarter Lives. Ambient Environments for an ageing society. In: Felix Piazolo, Stephan Schlögl (Hrsg.), Innovative Lösungen für eine alternde Gesellschaft Konferenzbeiträge der SMARTER LIVES 16 29.11.2016, Innsbruck. Lengerich.
Schwarz, S., Himmelsbach, J., Lehner, U., Bertel, D. and Tscheligi, M. (2016). Speech in Multimodal Interaction: Exploring Modality Preferences of Hearing Impaired Older Adults. Designing Speech and Multimodal Interactions for Mobile, Wearable, and Pervasive Applications. Workshop in conjunction with 34th Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’16), San Jose, CA, USA.
Shivaldova, V., Paier, A., Paulin, T., Maier, G., Fuxjäger, P-, Alonso, A., Smely, D., Rainer, B. and Mecklenbräuker, C.F. (2011). ”Overview of an IEEE 802.11p PHY Performance Measurement Campaign”, 2nd Management Committee Meeting of COST IC1004.
Shivaldova, V., Paulin, T., Paier, A. and Mecklenbrauker, C.F. (2012). ”Performance measurements of multi-hop communications in vehicular ad hoc networks”. IEEE International Conference on Communications.
Sousa, R. T. D., Teles, S., Bertel, D., Schmitter, P., & Abrantes, D. (2019, May). Advisory on ambient assisted living solutions: towards an advisor concept and training curriculum. In International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (pp. 41-61). Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-52677-1_3
Teles, S., de Sousa, R. T., Abrantes, D., Bertel, D., Ferreira, A., and Paúl, C. (2019). Bridging the gap between technology and older adults: insights from a collaborative workshop on R&D methodologies for ambient assisted living solutions. Journal of Reliable Intelligent Environments, 5(4), 195-207.
Teles, S., Ferreira, A., Vieira-Marques, P., Bertel, D., Paúl, C. & Kofler, A. (2018). Trust Requirements for the Uptake of Ambient Assisted Living Digital Advisory Services. Proceedings of the 4th IPLeiria’s International Health Congress.
Teles, S., Kofler, A. Ch., Schmitter, P., Ruscher, S., Paúl, C. and Bertel, D. (2018). ActiveAdvice: A Multi-Stakeholder Perspective to Understand Functional Requirements of an Online Advice Platform for AAL Products and Services. In: Röcker C., O’Donoghue J., Ziefle M., Maciaszek L., Molloy W. (Eds.), Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS), vol. 869. Springer.
Teles, S., Bertel, D., Kofler, A., Ruscher, S. and Paúl, C. (2017). A Multi-Perspective View on AAL Stakeholders’ Needs. A User-centred Requirement Analysis for the ActiveAdvice European Project. ICT4AWE. 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health, 104 – 116. DOI: 10.5220/0006380701040116
Research Reports | Deliverables
Adler, V., Bertel, D., Ghersetti, M., Johansson, B., Foitik-Schmidt, D., Aspell, N., Forino, G., Ilic, D., Van Praag, L., Robinson, H., Van Caudenberg, R., Molenaar, J., Edwards, J., Posch, E., Bagkazounis, I., Tsekoura, A., Dima, E., Furegon, A., Ambrosetti, E., Fantoni, M., Anderson, G., Beatriz, R., Ricoca Peixoto, M., Palma Oliveira, J., Furtuna, A., Modoaca, D. and Buzea, R. (2021). “Analysis: Communication and information”. Research Report, COVINFORM Project funded by the European Union.
Ambrosetti, E., De Rose, A., Bertel, D., Adler, V., Molenaar, J., Van Praag, L., Paulsen, T., Edwards, J., Spathi, T., Eliezer, I., Arabatz, M., Bagkatzounis, I., Tsekoura, A., Suary, I., Rafalowski, C., Laist, I., Aspell, N., Anson, S., Alleva, G., Antunes, D. and Furtuna, A. (2021). “Baseline report: Community and citizen responses”. Research Report, COVINFORM Project funded by the European Union.
Antunes, D., Palma-Oliveira, J., Linkov, I., Trump, B., Bertel, D. and Molenaar, J. (2021). “Case study selection”. Research Report, COVINFORM Project funded by the European Union.
Antunes, D., Rodrigues, C., Palma-Oliveira, J., Mendonça, B., Bertel, D., Rhys Edwards, J., Van Praag, L., Molenaar, J., Robinson, H., Shubin, S., Beljaar, D., Lorente, J., Castellanos, D., Tamayo, M., Bazaga Fernández, I., Furegon, A., Ambrosetti, E., Laist, I., Rafalowski, C., Bagkazounis, I., Tsekoura, A., Arabatzi, M. and Dima, E. (2021). “Baseline report: Communication and information”. Research Report, COVINFORM Project funded by the European Union.
Arabatzi, M., Bagkazounis, I., Eliezer, I., Spathi, T., Papadaki, D., Tsekoura, A., Adler, V., Alleva, G., Ambrosetti, E., De Rose, A., Anderson, G., Fantoni, M., Tamayo, M., Castellanos, D., Lorente, J., Rhys Edwards, J., Laist, I., Rafalowski, C., Aspell, N., Anson, S., Barille, S., Shubin, S. and Beljaard, D. (2021). “Baseline report: Governmental responses”. Research Report, COVINFORM Project funded by the European Union.
Aspell, N., Anson, S., Bertel, D. and Adler, V. (2021). “Research design: Communication and information”. Research Report, COVINFORM Project funded by the European Union.
Ataol, Ö., Bogadi, A., Braunbruck, J., Ibric, A., Gimeno, V., Magureanu, N., Marin, V., Meacham, D., Wohltran, N. and Simon, C. (2023). “Literature review on ESD and education methods “. Research Report, CircularCityChallenge Project funded by the European Union.
Bagkatzounis, I., Edwards, J., Schiffmann, A., Pussnig, C., Schmidt, D., Mehdi, Z., Adler, V., Molenaar, J., Robinson, H., Ghersetti, M., Johansson, B., Beljaars, D., Ricoca-Peixoto, M., Ambrosetti, E., Zannelli, M., Postigo Sierra, J., URJC, C. and URJC, . (2022). “Analysis: Community and citizen responses and impact”. Research Report, COVINFORM Project funded by the European Union.
Bagkatzounis, I., Tsekoura, A., Dima, E., Konstantopoulos, I., Adler, V., Deneva, N., Lorente Fontaneda, J., Estaba Amaiz, R., Postigo Sierra, J., Tamayo Sáez, M., Ambrosetti, E., Zannella, M., Beljaars, D., Shubin, S., Edwards, J., Robinson, H., Posch, E., Mehdi, Z., Aspell, N., Antunes, D., Palma Oliveira, J., Furtuna, A. and Johansson, B. (2023). “Synthesis and lessons learnt on governmental responses and impacts – update M33”. Research Report, COVINFORM Project funded by the European Union.
Bagkatzounis, I., Tsekoura, A., Konstantopoulos, I., Adler, V., Deneva, N., Lorente Fontaneda, J., Estaba Amaiz, R., Postigo Sierra, J., Tamayo Sáez, M., Ambrosetti, E., Zannella, M., Beljaars, D., Shubin, S., Edwards, S., Robinson, H., Posch, E., Mehdi, Z., Aspell, N., Antunes, D., Palma Oliveira, J., Furtuna, A. and Johansson, B. (2023). “Analysis: Community and citizen responses and impact – update M34”. Research Report, COVINFORM Project funded by the European Union.
Bagkatzounis, I., Tsekoura, A., Konstantopoulos, I., Adler, V., Deneva, N., Fontaneda, J., Estaba Amaiz, R., Postigo Sierra, J., Tamayo Sáez, M., Ambrosetti, E., Zannella, M., Beljaars, D., Shubin, S., Edwards, J., Robinson, H., Posch, E., Mehdi, Z., Aspell, N., Antunes, D., Palma Oliveira, J., Furtuna, A. and Johansson, B. (2023). “Guidance and recommendations for government and policy summary report”. Research Report, COVINFORM Project funded by the European Union.
Bagkazounis, I., Eliezer, I., Spathi, T., Papadaki, D., Bertel , D., Aspell, N., Molenaar, J., Antunes, D., Tsekoura, A., Arabatzi, M. and Ambrosetti, E. (2021). “Research design: Governmental responses”. Research Report, COVINFORM Project funded by the European Union.
Bagkazounis, I., Konstantopoulos, I., Tsekoura, A., Dima, E., Bertel, D., Rhys Edwards, J., Van Praag, L., Molenaar, J., Robinson, H., Shubin, S., Beljaar, D., Lorente, J., Castellanos, D., Tamayo, M., Bazaga Fernández, I., Furegon, A., Ambrosetti, E., Laist, I., Rafalowski, C. and Arabatzi, M. (2022). “Research design: Governmental responses – update M26”. Research Report, COVINFORM Project funded by the European Union.
Bagkazounis, I., Tsekoura, A., Arabatzi, M., Dima, E., Ricoca Peixoto, M., Antunes, D., Palma Oliveira, J., Furegon, A., Ambrosetti, E., Ventre, C., Rhys Edwards, J., Shubin, S., Beljaars, D., Moser, V., Adler, V., Bertel, D., Aspell, N., Mehdi, Z., Cochrane, L., Tamayo, M., Bazaga Fernández, I., Estaba Amaiz, R., Sánchez Vitores, I., Castellanos, D., Lorente, J., Molenaar, J., Van Praag, L., Robinson, H., Johansson, B., Ghersetti, M., Laist, I. and Rafalowski, C. (2022). “Baseline report: Governmental responses – updated M22”. Research Report, COVINFORM Project funded by the European Union.
Ben Brahim, N., Rogoz, M., Ambrosetti, E., Avdiu, P., Battolla, G., Bertel, D., Miccoli, S., Louis, A., Rhys Edwards, J., Gonzalez Riera, J., Hough, K., Ilcheva, M., Le Louvier, K., Spathi, T., Shubin, S., Van Caudenberg, R., Van Praag, L. and Whitworth, B. (2020). “Analysis of policies, policy recommendations and legal frameworks”. Research Report, PERCEPTIONS Project funded by the European Union.
Bermejo, R., Carrasco, S., Bertel, D., Paulin, T., Bayerl, P., Hough, K., Pannocchia, D., Sergei, S., Mahoney, J., Le Louvier, K., Van Caudenberg, R., Van Praag, L., Fortunato, C., Miccoli, S., Ilcheva, M., Edwards, J., Tautscher, I., Kampas, G., Spathi, T., Makri, F. and Papadaki, D. (2021). “Multi-perspective Research Report”. Research Report, PERCEPTIONS Project funded by the European Union.
Bertel, D., Adler, V., Molenaar, J., Robinson, H., Posch, E., Tsekoura, A., Dima, E., Bagkatzounis, I., Mehdi, Z., Aspell, N., Zannella, M., Ambrosetti, E., Ricoca-Peixoto, M., Antunes, D., Palma Oliveira, J., Furtuna, A., Buzea, R., Modoaca, D. and Estaba Amaiz, R. (2022). “Baseline report: Community and citizen responses – update M24”. Research Report, COVINFORM Project funded by the European Union.
Birov, S., Deimel, L., Piesche, K. and Jaeger, B. (2022). “Report on the Open Market Consultation”. Research Report, iProcureSecurity PCP Project funded by the European Union.
Bogadi, A., Bertel, D., Braunbruck, J., Ataol, Ö., Ibric, A., Gimeno, V., Magureanu, N., Marin, V., Meacham, D. and Wohltran, N. (2023). “Challenge concept “. Research Report, CircularCityChallenge Project funded by the European Union.
Bogadi, A., Kafka, O., Ataol, Ö., Bertel, D., Ibric, A., Gimeno, V., Magureanu, N., Marin, V., Meacham, D. and Wohltran, N. (2023). “Expert interviews report “. Research Report, CircularCityChallenge Project funded by the European Union.
Breitegger, M., Günay, C., Dzihic, V., Parzer, M., Radler, C. and Riffer, F. (2022). “Projektabschlussbericht”. Research Report, Migration Ties Project funded under the Austrian KIRAS Security Research Program.
Ddamba Kibuuka, J., Dittrich, Y., Rasmusson, M., Hallin, P., Guldaker, N., de Klerk, A., Neuschmid, J. and Dobner, S. (2015). “Urban decision-making and expert integration report”. Research Report, UrbanData2Decide Project funded by the European Union.
De Luca, V., Lombardi, A., Jaeger , B., Bianchi, S., Deimel, L. and Piesche, K. (2022). “Use cases and process models for Triage Management Systems for Emergency Medical Services (v1) “. Research Report, iProcureSecurity PCP Project funded by the European Union.
Deneva, N., Götz, V., Rosa, B., Trump, B., Antunes, D., Chaby, R., Bagkatzounis, I., Konstantopoulos, I., Tsekoura, A., Munoz Rodríguez, D., Acebedo, J., Tamayo Sáez, M., Bazaga Fernandez, I., Rodriguez Gonzalez, A., Ambrosetti, E., Strangio, D., Ventre, C., Edwards, J., Mueller-Thuns, A., Beljaars, D. and Shubin, S. (2023). “Synthesis and lessons learnt on communication, information and misinformation – update M35”. Research Report, COVINFORM Project funded by the European Union.
Edwards, J., Adler, V., Ricoca-Peixoto, M., Arabatzi, M., Tsekoura, A., Bagkatzounis, I., Ambrosetti, E., Zannelli, M., Schiffmann, A., Beljaars, D., Bertel, D., Molenaar, J., Robinson, H., Ghersetti, M., Johansson, B., Postigo Sierra, J. and Castellanos Rodríguez, D. (2022). “Synthesis and lessons learnt on community and citizen responses and impacts”. Research Report, COVINFORM Project funded by the European Union.
Edwards, J., Bertel, D. and Adler, V. (2023). “Research design: Community and citizen responses – update M28”. Research Report, COVINFORM Project funded by the European Union.
Edwards, J., Bertel, D., Bayerl, S., Hough, K., Mahoney, J., Carrasco Granger, S., Bermejo, R., Ben Brahim, N., Withworth, B., Georgakopoulou, K., Makri, F., Yomm Sbaa, M., Puzzo, G., Jinkang , A., Cappi, V., Shubin, S., Le Louvier, K., Louis, A. and Radwan, A. (2020). “Multi-perspective Study Design”. Research Report, PERCEPTIONS Project funded by the European Union.
Edwards, J., Rademacher, H., Rosa, B., Palma Oliveira, J., Bagkatzounis, I., Ambrosetti, E., Zannelli, M., Schiffmann, A., Tautscher, I., Herberz, A., Beljaars, D., Adler, V., Robinsons, H., Ghersetti, M., Johansson, B., Postigo Sierra, J. and Castellanos Rodríguez, D. (2023). “Synthesis and lessons learnt on community and citizen responses and impacts – update M36”. Research Report, COVINFORM Project funded by the European Union.
Forino, G., Aspell, N., Wadhwa, K., Bagkatzounis, I., Arabatzi, M., Eliezer, I., Tsekoura, A., Fontaneda, J., Estaba Amaiz, R., Castellanos Rodríguez, D., Ambrosetti, E., Zannella, M., Schmidt, D., Bertel, D., Rhys Edwards, J., Van Praag, L., Molenaar, J., Robinson, H., Shubin, S., Beljaar, D., Lorente, J., Castellanos, D., Tamayo, M., Bazaga Fernández, I., Furegon, A., Laist, I., Rafalowski, C., Bagkazounis, I. and Dima, E. (2022). “Analysis: Government responses to COVID-19 and impact assessment”. Research Report, COVINFORM Project funded by the European Union.
Georgakopoulou, K., Makri, F., Dimitrakopoulou, G., Bagkatzounis, I., Breitegger, M., Bertel, D., Puzzo, G., Jinkang, A., Yomn Sbaa, M., Mestour, A., Menna, K., Boudjana, R., Mansour, H., Kasmi, W., Mattes, T., Markov, D., Kuneva, L., Stoyanova, M., Sabev, M. and Yordanova, M. (2022). “Multi-stakeholder joint evaluation report”. Research Report, PERCEPTIONS Project funded by the European Union.
González Riera, J., Ruipérez, J., Salido Medina, J., Medina, S., Marani, A., Hamann, N., Knosala, B., Cozzolino, M., Veicht, A., Rus, C. and Guglielminetti, L. (2023). “Simulation report – Islam”. Research Report, SHIELD Project funded by the European Union.
Grubmüller, V., Krieger, B., Scholten, P., Moody, R., Dekker, R., Emilsson, H., Wetzstein, I. and Götsch, K. (2012). “Analyses summary report”. Research Report, UniteEurope Project funded by the European Union.
Hamann, N. (2022). “Abschluss bericht”. Research Report, ResilienceWorks Project funded under the Austrian KIRAS Security Research Program.
Hamann, N. and Jäger, B. (2020). “Needs and requirements report”. Research Report, Re-ACT Project funded by the European Union.
Hamann, N., Jäger, B., Kazemi, A. and Mörtenhuber, L. (2020). “web-based hub”. Research Report, Re-ACT Project funded by the European Union.
Hamann, N., Scambor, E., Posch, O., Theuretzbacher, M., Gruber, J., Russmann, J. and Keinrath, M. (2022). “ResilienceWorks Toolkits”. Research Report, ResilienceWorks Project funded under the Austrian KIRAS Security Research Program.
Herbertz, A., Edwards, J., Tautscher, I., Deneva, N., Rhys Edwards, J., Van Praag, L., Molenaar, J., Robinson, H., Shubin, S., Beljaar, D., Lorente, J., Castellanos, D., Tamayo, M., Bazaga Fernández, I., Furegon, A., Ambrosetti, E., Laist, I., Rafalowski, C., Bagkazounis, I., Tsekoura, A., Arabatzi, M. and Dima, E. (2023). “Guidance and recommendations to enhance the citizen response summary report”. Research Report, COVINFORM Project funded by the European Union.
Ibric, A., Pavăl, O., Muresanu, M., Magureanu, N., Draghia, M., Bogadi, A., Bertel, D., Braunbruck, J., Kafka, O., Ataol, Ö. and Meacham, D. (2022). “Report on curricula, educational tools, methods and resources “. Research Report, CircularCityChallenge Project funded by the European Union.
Jaeger, B. and Seper, J. (2022). “Tender platform and evaluation system development report”. Research Report, iProcureSecurity PCP Project funded by the European Union.
Jaeger, B., Haider, M. and Leitner, P. (2022). “Requirements for Triage Management Systems for Emergency Medical Services “. Research Report, iProcureSecurity PCP Project funded by the European Union.
Kampas, G., Papadaki, D., Spathi, T., Bertel, D. and Bayerl, S. (2020). “Good practice collection”. Research Report, PERCEPTIONS Project funded by the European Union.
Lhopitault, C., Schäfer, C., Hamann, N. and Muhič Dizdarevič, S. (2020). “Comparative report on the phenomena of online antisemitism”. Research Report, Re-ACT Project funded by the European Union.
Lhopitault, C., Schäfer, C., Hamann, N. and Muhič Dizdarevič, S. (2020). “Analytical paper debunking myths of online antisemitism”. Research Report, Re-ACT Project funded by the European Union.
Lutman, T., Stres, S., Huber, F. and ALL PARTNERS, . (2017). “Contest summary report”. Research Report, SciChallenge Project funded by the European Union.
Mahoney, J., Le Louvier, K., Lawson, S. and Paulin, T. (2021). “Social media data analysis report”. Research Report, PERCEPTIONS Project funded by the European Union.
Mahoney, J., Le Louvier, K., Lawson, S., Bertel, D., Paulin, T., Sergei, S., Seiger, F., Katomoniatis, C., Gonzalez, J., Leonardelli, E. and Tonelli, S. (2022). “Social media data analysis report”. Research Report, PERCEPTIONS Project funded by the European Union.
Mahoney, J., Le Louvier, K., Lawson, S., Leonardelli, E., Bertel, D., Paulin, T., Fortunato, C., Miccoli, S. and Ambrosetti, E. (2021). “Social Media Insights Report”. Research Report, PERCEPTIONS Project funded by the European Union.
Mahoney, J., Le Louvier, K., Lawson, S., Leonardelli, E., Tonelli, S., Fortunato, C., Miccoli, S., Ambrosetti, E., Paulin, T. and Bertel, D. (2022). “Update on Social Media Insights Report”. Research Report, PERCEPTIONS Project funded by the European Union.
Marani, A., Fratantoni, P., Lazarou, A., Marrone, I., Caserta, L., D´Angeli, A., Raccah, M., Mattiello, E., Majchrzak, B., Jewdokimow, M., Saldon, W., Papanikolaou , D., Gonzalés Riera, J., Cozzolino , M., Kiwuwa, A., Werner, G., Hamann, N., Martin , F., Rus, C., Nestian Sandu , O., Kuzior, A., Postrzednik-Lotko, K. and Knosala, B. (2022). “State of the art analysis”. Research Report, SHIELD Project funded by the European Union.
Mattiello, E., Canella, S., Tahir, M., Cozzolino, M., Marani, A., Werner, G., Villa, G., Majchrzak, B., Iwanowski, W., Rus, C., Nestian-Sandu, O., Serb, T., Kuzior, A., Kaźmierczak, J., Postrzednik-Lotko, K., Knosala, B., Menyhért, A., Reeson, K., Martina, R. and Martin, F. (2023). “Guidelines for Christian places of worship and buildings”. Research Report, SHIELD Project funded by the European Union.
Mehdi, Z., Aspell, N., Anson, S., Robinson, H., Ventre, C., Rhys Edwards, J., Adler, V., Deneva, N., Palma Oliveira, J., Rosa, B., Beljaars, D., Shubin, S., Lorente, J., Ghersetti, M., Johansson, B., Bagkatzounis, I., Tsekoura, A., Konstantopoulos, I. and Dima, E. (2023). “Analysis: Government responses to COVID-19 and impact assessment – update M31”. Research Report, COVINFORM Project funded by the European Union.
Molenaar, J., Robinson, H., Van Praag, L., Bertel, D., Rhys Edwards, J., Shubin, S., Beljaar, D., Lorente, J., Castellanos, D., Tamayo, M., Bazaga Fernández, I., Furegon, A., Ambrosetti, E., Laist, I., Rafalowski, C., Bagkazounis, I., Tsekoura, A., Arabatzi, M. and Dima, E. (2022). “Synthesis and lessons learnt on public health responses and impacts”. Research Report, COVINFORM Project funded by the European Union.
Molenaar, J., Van Praag, L., Aalou, A., Spathi, T., Bagkatzounis, I., Arabatzi, M., Papadaki, D., Schmidt, D., Adler, V., Bertel, D., Alleva, G., Ambrosetti, E., Zannella, M., De Rose, A., Miccoli, S., Anderson, G., Fantoni, M., Postigo Sierra, J., Castellanos Rodríguez, D., Tamayo Saéz, M., Lorente Fontaneda, J. and Acebedo Esteban, F. (2021). “Baseline report: Public health responses”. Research Report, COVINFORM Project funded by the European Union.
Molenaar, J., Van Praag, L., Robinson, H., Pussnig, C., Schmidt, D., Moser, V., Adler, V., Bagheri, R., Mehdi, Z., Aspell, N., Posch, E., Polania, H., Sogolov, I., Arabatzi, M., Bagkatzounis, I., Tsekoura, A., Dima, E., Laist, I., Rafalowski, C. and Ambrosetti, E. (2022). “Baseline report: Public health responses – update M23”. Research Report, COVINFORM Project funded by the European Union.
Odasso, M., Cvajner, M. and Fleckinger, A. (2023). “Secondary data analyses on changing attitudes on gender empowerment across Europe”. Research Report, ReIncluGen Project funded by the European Union.
Paulin, T., Bertel, D. and Lima, T. (2020). “Multilingual analytical system”. Research Report, PERCEPTIONS Project funded by the European Union.
Pllana, S., Huber, F., Hrdlicka, Z., Boulomyti, E., Gary, C., Smith, P. and ALL PARTNERS, . (2016). “Concepts for next generation science challenges”. Research Report, SciChallenge Project funded by the European Union.
Puzzo, G., Cappi, V., Jinkang, A., Yomn Sbaa, M., Peitrantoni, L., Musarò, P., Zappalà, S., Bertel , D., Mahoney, J., Le Louvier, K. and Bratskas, R. (2021). “Multidimensional Approach Framework”. Research Report, PERCEPTIONS Project funded by the European Union.
Ricoca-Peixoto, M., Love, P., Bertel, D., Rhys Edwards, J., Van Praag, L., Molenaar, J., Robinson, H., Shubin, S., Beljaar, D., Lorente, J., Castellanos, D., Tamayo, M., Bazaga Fernández, I., Furegon, A., Ambrosetti, E., Laist, I., Rafalowski, C., Bagkazounis, I., Tsekoura, A., Arabatzi, M. and Dima, E. (2022). “Baseline report: Communication and information – update M26”. Research Report, COVINFORM Project funded by the European Union.
Robinson, H., Van Caudenberg, R., Van Praag, L., Bagkatzounis, I., Tsekoura, A., Dima, E., Konstantopoulos, I., Adler, V., Deneva, N., Lorente Fontaneda, J., Estaba Amaiz, R., Postigo Sierra, J., Tamayo Sáez, M., Ambrosetti, E., Zannella, M., Beljaars, D., Shubin, S., Edwards, J., Posch, E., Mehdi, Z. and Aspell, N. (2023). “Synthesis and lessons learnt on public health responses and impacts – update M35”. Research Report, COVINFORM Project funded by the European Union.
Robinson, H., Van Caudenberg, R., Van Praag, L., Deneva, N., Rhys Edwards, J., Molenaar, J., Shubin, S., Beljaar, D., Lorente, J., Castellanos, D., Tamayo, M., Bazaga Fernández, I., Furegon, A., Ambrosetti, E., Laist, I., Rafalowski, C., Bagkazounis, I., Tsekoura, A., Arabatzi, M. and Dima, E. (2023). “Guidance and recommendations for public health summary report”. Research Report, COVINFORM Project funded by the European Union.
Robinson, H., Van Caudenberg, R., Van Praag, L., Molenaar, J., Adler, V., Bertel, D., Pussnig, C., Schmidt, D., Moser, V., Bagheri, R., Mehdi, Z., Aspell, N., Posch, E., Polania, H., Sogolov, I., Arabatzi, M., Bagkatzounis, I., Tsekoura, A., Dima, E., Laist, I., Rafalowski, C., Ricoca-Peixoto, M., Antunes, D., Furtuna, A. and Modoaca, D. (2023). “Multi-site research design and methodological framework – update M27”. Research Report, COVINFORM Project funded by the European Union.
Rossi, M., Gentile, G., Hamann, N., Martin, F., Marani, A., Fratantoni, P., Lazarou, A., Bishoy, R., Ustenko, M., Werner, G., Veicht, A., Kuzior, A., Kaźmierczak, J., Postrzednik-Lotko, K., Knosala, B. and Rus, C. (2023). “Simulation report – Judaism”. Research Report, SHIELD Project funded by the European Union.
Siemienska, R., Domaradzka-Widla, A., Duch, D., Matysiak, I. and Szczepańska, D. (2023). “Cross-country comparison on policies that promote gender empowerment across Europe”. Research Report, ReIncluGen Project funded by the European Union.
Sofuoglu, Z. and Sofuoglu, T. (2022). “Methods for prototype tests”. Research Report, iProcureSecurity PCP Project funded by the European Union.
Suchożerbski, M., Veicht , A., Marani, A., Martin, F., Hamann, N., Rus, C., Kinzerskiy, B. and Matiello, E. (2023). “Simulation report – Christianity”. Research Report, SHIELD Project funded by the European Union.
Trump, B., Palma, J., Antunes, D., Bertel, D. and Rhys Edwards, J. (2021). “Case study coordination guidelines”. Research Report, COVINFORM Project funded by the European Union.
Tutschku, K., Mehri Ahmadi, V., Fricker, S., Maksimov, Y., Keller, L., Llewellynn, T., Paulin, T. and Suarez Deniz, O. (2017). “Initial Bonseyes System Architecture”. Research Report, Bonseyes Project funded by the European Union.
Van Caudenberg, R., Robinson, H., Van Praag, L., Rafalowski, C., Laist, I., Deneva, N., Adler, V., Moser, V., Götz, V., Edwards, J., Tautscher, I., Bagkatzounis, I., Konstantopoulos, I., Ambrosetti, E., Ventre, C., Rosa, B., Trump, B., Palma-Oliveira, J., Chaby, R., Tamayo Sáez, M., Bazaga Fernández, I., Rodríguez González, A., Ghersetti, M. and Johansson, B. (2023). “Analysis: Public health responses and impact – update M33”. Research Report, COVINFORM Project funded by the European Union.
Van Caudenberg, R., Robinson, H., Van Praag, L., Schmidt, D., Moser, V., Bagheri, R., Mehdi, Z., Aspell, N., Posch, E., Polania, H., Sogolov, I., Arabatzi, M., Bagkatzounis, I., Tsekoura, A., Dima, E., Laist, I., Rafalowski, C., Ricoca-Peixoto, M., Antunes, D., Furtuna, A., Modoaca, D. and Buzea, R. (2023). “Research design: Public health responses – update M28”. Research Report, COVINFORM Project funded by the European Union.
Van Prag, L., Van Caudenberg, R., Bertel, D., Bayerl, S., Edwards, J., Hough, K., Mahoney, J., Carrasco Granger, S., Bermejo, R., Ben Brahim, N., Withworth, B., Georgakopoulou, K., Makri, F., Yomm Sbaa, M. and Puzzo, G. (2020). “Baseline Report”. Research Report, PERCEPTIONS Project funded by the European Union.
Veicht, A., Rus, C., Hamann, N. and Martin, F. (2023). “Training results”. Research Report, SHIELD Project funded by the European Union.
Wetzstein, I. and Leitner, P. (2012). “Best practices report”. Research Report, UniteEurope Project funded by the European Union.